What is Gathering of the Vibes’ water policy?

Attendees passing through the North Grove ticketing entrance as Day-Ticket holders may enter with:
1-24 oz sealed water bottle per person may pass through the security check point. No Coolers.
Empty hyrdation packs, or empty water bottles up to 1 gallon, may be brought into the festival and filled at our free filling stations.
If you arrive with an opened container, you will have to empty it, however, there will be free filling stations located in the Food Court.
Attendees walking from the camping areas into general assembly areas may pass through security check points with:
1-24 oz sealed or unsealed water per person. No coolers.
Any non-alcohol beverage purchased from a food vendor may pass through security check points.
Per state law, you cannot bring alcohol into the concert or general assembly areas.
Any container larger than 24 oz needs to be emptied and can be refilled at our free water station (located at the Food Court)
Empty hyrdation, or empty water bottles up to 1 gallon, may be brought into General Assembly and filled at our free filling stations.